Big D Finally Soloed!
Yesterday, a good friend of mine, let's call him "Big D", finally soloed. He started flight training a few months after I did, but got waylaid by a six month delay in getting his third class medical from the FAA. All private pilots need to get a third class medical certificate which basically states you meet the medical requirements set forth by the FAA. To get it, you go to a FAA approved doctor and they put you through a routine physical, ask about your medical history, and ask you for a list of any current medications you are on. The doctor can then approve you during the physical and you can walk out the door with your medical certificate. Or, as was the case with "Big D", the doctor wasn't sure about something, so he decided to send it to the FAA for approval.
A few weeks later, Big D got a letter saying his application for a certificate was denied. The strange thing was that he was denied for something other than what the doctor had a question about. The letter went on to say that if he wanted to appeal he needed to do X, Y, and Z. Big D does X,Y, and Z, and two months later, the FAA asks him to do X,Y, and Z again! It was at this point I understood why pilot's hold the FAA in such a special place in their heart. It was also at this point when I bought Big D a t-shirt that said:
FAA Mission Statement:
We're not happy until you aren't happy.
Anyway, Big D had enough of this and decided to get AOPA involved. It was amazing. Two phone calls and two weeks later, Big D had his medical certificate in hand and was back in the sky training. Yesterday, he soloed. Now he gets to do the fun stuff; X/countries, short and soft field T/O and landings, night flying, towered airports, and the FAA written exam. (Maybe the last one isn't exactly fun.)
Congratulation's Big D!
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